A couple of months ago Facebook has updated their safety guide for journalists. I’d say it may be helpful for all a social media and Internet users.

The guide tells how to protect your account and manage your presence on Facebook. It isn’t big, user-friendly and available in 14 languages. In my opinion, things like this are worth to be shared, although some points there, such as account security and privacy settings seem to be pretty obvious for some people.

Also, it might be useful for those people who – whatever his or her reasons are – don’t want to be tracked or stalked via social media.

In addition, Google have a helpful set of security advices and tools to navigate users’ web safely and securely. And Lastpass browser service is an amazing and free tool to remember all passwords for you.

So, someone may say these are basics and everyone knows how to protect their online presence. Unfortunately, not everyone takes steps to keep their information safe and/or being careful enough with their web security. I’ve met this in many organizations I’ve been working in. And it turns out it’s not only about personal security.

In my experience, there are not many people take an effort to protect their web accounts properly. In some cases, even after their accounts were broken or stolen, and information about them, their colleagues and work has been leaked.

Please, keep your accounts secure.

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